Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Morning After

Odd Twin has some questions for you:

1) What are you wearing?
2) What's your favorite movie?
3) What awesome stuff did you do on Valentine's Day?

Here are some of the answers to our own questions which, we'd really like to share with you:

Odd Twin is wearing vintage, as always....what specifically, you ask, you dirty bird? Well, we had to have the lingerie dry cleaned (don't ask) so today we're taking it easy. We're in a 1960's velvet and satin smoking jacket and 1950's plaid pajamas. We're also holding onto some old Playboys. In the ladies department we're rocking 80's high-waisted jeans  and a 1940's black corset which we can't get off because our hands are full of roses, chocolates and Whitney Houston CD's. Our favorite movie is The Goonies because we know about three things: friendship, adventure and creepy looking older men with Superman t-shirts who scream a lot. What did we do on Valentine's Day? We can't remember, but we woke up with fishnet stockings on our face and raw fish in our 1970's handbags, which could only mean one thing: It was awesome! We hope you had a day filled with love and we await your return with open arms and vintage board games...come on in soon so we can get our Brooklyn vintage on together. Kisses xoxoxo

Friday, February 3, 2012

Bustin' Out With Mariah

     It was a 65 degree winter in Park Slope and Irene, the newest store mannequin was livid. Mathew had dressed her in a white cashmere coat from the 1950's, blue stockings, a wool circle skirt and a silk 1940's blouse. The sun beat down on her and her wig frizzed. All of a sudden, in the distance, she saw it: A silhouette of fake boobs, a tight mini dress and big hair. "Could it be?" Irene gasped..."Is it really her?" All the mannequins looked up the block as a cool breeze began to blow and the door chimes chimed. All of a sudden, in the middle of Odd Twin stood the Goddess of Goddesses herself: Mariah Carey. Irene pulled her stockings up and froze into position.
     Georgi was working the counter that day and had been a Mariah Carey fan since infancy. In sixth grade she had memorized the words to "Emotions" and dreamed of having big hair.
      "hhh....hhhh....hello" Georgi said trying desperately to sound normal. "hhh...hhh...hhhhow can I help you today?"
      "Hey girl," Mariah said, "I remember you."
      "You do?" asked Georgi "but how?"
      "You used to sing to my poster girl...I'm Mariah Carey...I know everything, but what I don't know is where I can find a lace tablecloth that's vintage"
      "OMG Mariah! You've come to the right place! I have just the thing!!!" Georgi ran to the back of the store and pulled out three long lace tablecloths. Mariah quickly took all her clothes off and wrapped one around herself.
       "This is soooo perfect!" she screeched and pulled out a diamond necklace to place around Georgi's neck.
        After leaving Odd Twin, Irene let our a scream...Mariah had hit a high note and all the windows had broken. Come into Odd Twin, where we love Mariah.